Ever since I learned how to make play dough at home, I no longer purchase play dough from the stores anymore.
When my kids played with the homemade playdough I made, I feel assured knowing that the playdough is made from taste-safe ingredients. Even if they ate it (which my toddler did!), I know they aren’t consuming any strange chemicals.

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of awesome play dough recipes online.
I followed the recipe but for some reasons, I did not get it right the first time. In fact, I took 2-3 tries before perfecting it.

So no matter how simple and straightforward it may be, there are still some techniques involved to create the best playdough at one sitting.
In the video tutorial below, you will not only watch how I made the playdough, but also the mistakes I made, how to troubleshoot, and what to look out for while making the playdough.
*I am not an expert at baking or making play dough. I am sharing these practical tips to help you save time and achieve the best playdough texture at your first try!
5 tips when making homemade play dough
1. Use very very fine salt.
Coarse salt takes a longer time to dissolve. The first batch of play dough I made still have undissolved salt in them because the salt I used was too coarse.
2. Use BOILING hot water.
Boil the water just before you pour it into the ingredients. It will help to dissolve the salt better.

3. Pour in small volumes of water slowly.
Do not pour the entire cup of boiling water at one go. Watch the video above and take note of the right texture as you pour the water slowly. At first, I poured in the entire cup and the dough was wayyyy too sticky.
4. Spread it out.
If the dough is still sticking after kneading and adding flour, leave it out in the air for a few hours. It seems less sticky after a while.
5. Store play dough in air tight containers.
Keep it dry (i.e. no saliva, or wet hands) and it can last up to 6 months!

This recipe is inspired by Imagination Tree. You might be keen to check out this list of homemade play dough recipes!
What can you do with these play dough?

Play dough is a great tool to develop fine motor skills. Use them for play based learning, imaginative and creative play, or any STEAM activities. Get some inspiration here, or simply let your child lead the play!
Involve the kids
The best thing about no-cook play dough is that you can involve your kids! They will have fun and learn as you guide them along. Enjoy making these play dough, and let me know if the tips have been useful for you!